Join forensic engineer Sean Brady as he discusses engineering failures and disasters. Sean examines both the technical and human causes of failure, explores failures in a range of professions, and talks about why our decision making is not nearly as rational as we’d like to think.
A show where the Queensland mining industry charts out the journey to a safer future. Hosted by forensic engineer Sean Brady, author of the Brady Review into fatal accidents in the Queensland mining industry.
Winner of Silver in the Best Branded Content Podcast category at the 2021 Australian Podcast Awards.
Simplifying Complexity is a podcast about the underlying principles of complex systems. On the show, we explore the key concepts of complexity science with expert minds from around the world. Each episode focuses on an interview where we break down a specific concept in detail.
Level 22, 127 Creek Street,
Brisbane, QLD 4000, Australia
GPO Box 111,
Brisbane, QLD 4001, Australia