The Structural Engineer, May 2013
Is the 30 year failure cycle a coincidence?
The Structural Engineer, October 2013
The story of missed opportunities to prevent a collapse.
The Structural Engineer, November 2014
The role of human factors in a bridge collapse.
The Structural Engineer, December 2014
Can a man's ego really bring a bridge down?
The Structural Engineer, June 2015
What firefighters can teach us about the limits of expertise.
The Structural Engineer, July 2015
The dangers of becoming over reliant on our expertise.
The Structural Engineer, December 2015
The wider societal ramifications of devastating structural failures.
The Structural Engineer, February 2015
The perils of sticking to a schedule regardless of weather conditions.
The Structural Engineer, July 2012
What caused the collapse of the I90 connector tunnel ceiling?
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